Naming Oracle

So I've developed this condition as I've gotten older. It must be caused by a combination of my memory being sucked out by child-bearing and old age (ok, and maybe just being lazy, but I can't be sure on that point). My mind will name someone, but it's not their real name. So for instance, I met a woman last week and her name was Tammy. But for whatever reason, I want to call her Michelle. I met a woman named Nancy and immediately thought "Karen". That one was fun because I used it as a code name when talking about her to co-workers. But by and large, this is just weird. Maybe I have a gift for naming! Or maybe not :)


The Dad said…
Hmm...not sure if I'd classify that as brilliance of senility. My grandmother always went through the entire list of family members in the room before her brain came up with the right one. "Alan-Judy-Marilyn-Michael-Ogelthorpe-I-mean-Jack, can you get me a tissue?"

Ogelthorpe, by the way, was the beagle.
cvs said…
I love it that the beagle's name was Ogelthorpe! That's a name that should make a comeback!

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