Call Me Dusty

A co-worker asked me and my family to a house warming party this weekend. When I replied that I couldn't attend the party he was sad that I wouldn't be coming and said (in the nicest possible way) that he didn't think I was the partying type. Oh how things change. When I was in my 20's and early 30's, I did my best! When I got married, moved to the country and had kids, things slowed WAY down. I described myself as "dusty". Just haven't pulled out the party shoes in awhile. Part of me thinks, "been there, done that" and part of me thinks I need to drink more of the wine I have stashed for no apparent reason.


The Dad said…
I obviously haven't seen you in a while, because I never would have thought that.

Of course, I never would have thought that of myself either, and I can't remember the last time I attended a coworker's party.

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