Is it time to vote yet??!!

Ok, so I don't truly intend this to be a political outlet for my views, etc. However, I had to share this run-in.

I have been wearing an Obama/Biden pin on my coat since I went to Washington DC a month ago (went to the National Book Festival - great venue for book lovers). Mostly people that notice the pin don't say anything or if they do, they are Obama supporters. Not today. I went to pick up my daughter at the after school program and I met the mom who was taking care of the kids. We made introductions and her daughter had said that her mom has 5 jobs so I was inquiring about what exactly she did. When we were about to end our convo, she was eyeing up the button. I couldn't tell if this was good or bad so I just said something like,"Oh, just have my button on, you know." Trying to make light of it, I suppose. She said,"So you're a democrat?" I said,"Well, I consider myself a moderate - voting for the candidate that I think makes sense. I don't want 4 more years of this, McCain is older and if something should happen to him (God forbid), Palin would have to step in and I don't think she's very smart." Yeah, bad move. She came back with,"OBAMA LIES! HE'S PRO-ABORTION! Do you know that he wants to take the pledge of allegiance out of schools??!! He wants to bring Islam to our country! I was a die-hard democrat, but not this year!" I slinked out of the convo and we said our good-byes.

There is a lesson here. Don't wear the button unless you're ready to tango. And be careful who you talk politics with. I also think I need to ratchet back my policital talk with people I know who are voting Republican. I know it can be annoying to hear the other side - why does it always sound crazy?

Because it's politics, that's why.


Caecilia said…
Oh, Hoo, Hoo! Knew it was going to bit you in the butt eventually. A pin, really? My Aide and the Librarian almost came to blows this afternoon over politics. It seems the "Time to Vote, America" display in the library only had a picture of Obama and his book. My sidekick questioned the fairness of the display, seeing as our kids are so terribly impressionable. The response was a terse "McCain's book is on back order." Well, my colleague couldn't let it go so she snuck in this am and taped a big ol' picture of The Maverick, Himself on the bulletin board. Said librarian immediately tore it down and said a few choice words. At lunch time, the offender went home and got a rubber McCain mask. Just wondering what her next move might be...

Funny stuff, those politics!!!

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