
Showing posts from November, 2008

Tears of Joy - Proud to be an American

I watched the election results on my new favorite channel - MSNBC. I watched in awe as the election closed with a definitive new leader. An answer to our fears of the future and what was to become of this great nation. I will admit that I had tears of joy and empathy, particularly when I saw Rev. Jesse Jackson and Oprah crying in Grant Park. African-Americans have been through a lot. And in the past few years, we've all been on quite the roller-coaster. This gives me hope that we can become something better. We have a chance to be great again. What's not to love?

Brilliance Dimmed

If it weren't for Michael Crichton, I never would have read science fiction. Michael died today at the age of 66 from a long battle with cancer. He was brilliant. He's the kind of author that makes you think about the world in a different light. I encourage you to pick up one of his books and try not to be impressed by the knowledge within the pages. My favorite book of his is "Travels". It is a collection of short stories of his life. He lived his life to the fullest. I do like to meet authors and try to spill out some words that would indicate I'm an intelligent life form. I'm sorry I never got to meet him. He will be missed.

Naming Oracle

So I've developed this condition as I've gotten older. It must be caused by a combination of my memory being sucked out by child-bearing and old age (ok, and maybe just being lazy, but I can't be sure on that point). My mind will name someone, but it's not their real name. So for instance, I met a woman last week and her name was Tammy. But for whatever reason, I want to call her Michelle. I met a woman named Nancy and immediately thought "Karen". That one was fun because I used it as a code name when talking about her to co-workers. But by and large, this is just weird. Maybe I have a gift for naming! Or maybe not :)

Call Me Dusty

A co-worker asked me and my family to a house warming party this weekend. When I replied that I couldn't attend the party he was sad that I wouldn't be coming and said (in the nicest possible way) that he didn't think I was the partying type. Oh how things change. When I was in my 20's and early 30's, I did my best! When I got married, moved to the country and had kids, things slowed WAY down. I described myself as "dusty". Just haven't pulled out the party shoes in awhile. Part of me thinks, "been there, done that" and part of me thinks I need to drink more of the wine I have stashed for no apparent reason.