
I don’t remember a time that I didn’t have a book on my bedside table. I love books. I come by this adoration honestly. My parents are both avid readers. My mom prefers fiction and my dad likes some fiction, but is able to devour non-fiction as well. Words have always had a huge impact on me. Written and spoken. It’s just the way I’m wired. I have so many books in my bedroom just waiting to be opened and enjoyed. I prefer fiction because, like movies, I view reading as a form of escapism - going to a different place, learning something new, gaining a new perspective, using my imagination. I have tried some non-fiction, but that John Adams book has been sitting on my pile for years now. The funny part is, I think it’s my dad’s book, but neither of us is sure whose it really is. I have a ton of respect for John Adams, George Washington and the conundrum Thomas Jefferson. The most I can do is watch the John Adams HBO mini-series (which is excellent by the way). Part of my problem is ti...