Bob the Felon*

* Name has been changed to protect the not-so-innocent We went to my parents’ house for the weekend of the 4th of July. There was a reunion of sorts that took place on Saturday. It’s cousins from my dad’s side and then just random other people that know the cousins. Most of the 30 people that attended were retired (or at least that age bracket). Besides my mom coming down with a nasty bladder infection (TMI alert!), things went quite well. The weather cooperated and everyone had a good time. Including Bob the Felon. My mom let us know in the morning that cousin Nancy was bringing her son, Bob the Felon. I love it that he has a title, as it were. The only thing is, I’m not sure he knows. I asked how he became a felon and I was told it had to do with a switchblade and drugs. Ooooooo. Oh, and he’s never held a job in his life. Which blows my mind. How could you go through life (he’s in his 40’s) and not have a job?? Maybe it’s all part of his persona, his legendary status. Nanc...